
Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Just updated the playlist today. All sets received prior to October 27 2004 have been removed. This makes the list a wee bit smaller, but much more current. Further - no classic oldie sets in this playlist either. We'll see how listener response is to a 45-day current playlist.

Also added in some additional "Up and Coming" sets from Richard Taylor (http://www.richardtaylor.ca) and Kevin Harcourt (http://www.kevinharcourt.com) as well as Ampz (http://www.amplifiedradio.com).

Lastly - Friday December 10 to Sunday December 12 is All Tiesto Weekend - 24/7 Tiesto to celebrate Tiesto's 6-hour set @ The Docks in Toronto on Saturday December 11 2004. Tune in for great classic, current and epic (TiC) Tiesto sets.

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